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о центре фотоальбомы для детей для подростков контакты
18 января, четверг

Группа на 15:50 Flyers

  1. STRF p34
  2. STRF find these words in the story, rewrite into your copybook and learn: bowl, castle, competition, downstairs, juice, majesty, delicious, enormous, frightened of, believe, ago, enough, work hard, appeared in, kinds of, added to, oven, enormous, whispered
  3. RU p60 ex10
  4. FUN p59


Группа на 17.00 Movers-Flyers

  1. STRF p34
  2. STRF find these words in the story, rewrite into your copybook and learn: beetle, desert, heart, mountain, swan, tortoise, colourful, impatient, important, straight, striped, appear, enough, towards, thought, excellent
  3. FUN p104 + bring FUN for Flyers
  4. RU p56


Группа на 18.00 KET

  1. RU p55-56
  2. EO SB p46 watch the video , ex3-5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JdNOm4NbVQ&t=80s
  3. EO WB p39

Группа на 19.15 PET

  1. RU p86
  2. EO WB p60
  3. EO SB p68 watch the video + ex3-6
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