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контакты на главную Наш канал Youtube. Подписывайтесь! Наша группа Вконтакте. Присоединяйтесь!
о центре фотоальбомы для детей для подростков контакты
28 марта, четверг

Группа на 15:50 Flyers
1. STRF p50
2. STRF p79 find in the story and rewrite the words into your copybook
(dictation on Monday): adventure, alien, dictionary, dinosaur, Earth,
Geography, ground, headache, science, spaceship, empty, horrible,
touch, Never mind!
3. FUN Unit 42
4. FUN p143 learn smell-swing words

Группа на 17.00 Movers-Flyers

1. STRF p50
2. RU p83
3. STRF p78-79 find in the story and rewrite the words into your
copybook (dictation on Monday): age, bandage, conversation,
cousin, handkerchief, headache, medicine, path, temperature, view,
different, furry, horrible, turn round, I’m feeling great!
4. FUN p143 learn smell-swing words

Группа на 18.00 KET
1. RU p72
2. RU p208 learn g-h-words
3. ESSAY!! – (EO WB p52 ex1 write an ESSAY in your copybook)
4. Compact WB p32

Группа на 19.15 PET
1. RU p100
2. RU p207 learn s-phrases (2 nd column)
3. Complete WB p37
4. Complete WB p36 do the tapescript of dialogue 3

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8 (925) 507-31-40
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