Группа на 15:50 KET
- RU p103-104 (write translation into your copybook)
- EO WB p14-16
- EO SB p16 ex1 – watch the video and do the task
Группа на 17.00 Flyers
- RU p18 + write translation into your copybook
- KB AB p11-13
- FUN Unit 13 exD – write the differences into your copybook (4-5)
Группа на 18.00 KET\PET
- Compact WB p57
- Compact SB p115 + write a story about the pictures into your copybook
- Compact SB p131-132 Unit 12 learn the phrases for dictation
Группа на 19.15 PET\FCE
- Complete SB p151 write your story into your copybook (Last week, I went to the zoo)
- Complete WB p63
- RU p200 (Revision)