Группа на 15:50 KET
- RU p142-143
- EO SB p36 watch the video and complete the page
- EO WB p34
Группа на 17.00 Flyers
- RU p49
- FUN Unit 30
- learn the words: across, along, straight on, arrive, police station, restaurant, castle, museum, theatre, William Shakespeare, wrong, Egypt, ancient, stone age, cave, during
- STRF Story 4 - listen and read (3-5 times)
Группа на 18.00 KET\PET
- RU p 117
- EO 3 WB p21
- EO 3 SB p24 watch the video and do the page
Группа на 19.15 PET\FCE
- RU p143
- Complete SB p28-29