Группа на 15:50 KET
- RU p144-145 + write the translation
- EO SB p38 ex1-2 watch the video and complete the exercises
- EO WB p35-36
Группа на 17.00 Flyers
- RU p50 + write the translation
- FUN Unit 31
- STRF p32
Группа на 18.00 KET\PET
- RU p 117
- EO 3 WB p24-25
- EO 3 SB p26 ex1,2 watch the video
Группа на 19.15 PET\FCE
- find some News (it can be found in indifferent spheres such as sport, games, fashion, animals, world, etc.)
- RU p144
- Complete SB p27 ex10 check the words , make phrases with them