Группа на 15:50 KET
- RU 4 p13 + translation
- EO WB p41
- EO SB p46 (watch the video and complete the page)
Группа на 17.00 Flyers
- FUN p85 (complete the page and write a story)
- STRF p43 (complete the page, write the questions and answers for ex I into your copybook)
- STRF retell the Story
Группа на 18.00 KET\PET
- RU p126
- EO WB p28
- EO SB p33 complete + watch the video and answer the questions
Группа на 19.15 PET\FCE
- RU p156
- Complete WB p14
- watch the video and make notes https://youtu.be/QmM9_28d1VY?si=AU1Ek79ASV0Y4SvX