Группа на 15:50 KET
- RU p121-122 (write translation)
- EO SB p117 + video (make notes into your copybook)
- EO WB p24-26
Группа на 17.00 Flyers
- RU p36 + translation
- FUN Unit 20
- STRF p24-26
- STRF – choose 10 difficult words from the story, underline, rewrite into your copybook and learn
Группа на 18.00 KET\PET
- RU p108
- EO 3 WB p5-6
Группа на 19.15 PET\FCE
- RU p134
- EO 4 SB p11 watch the video, make notes
- EO 4 WB p7-8